2025 San Juan 21 North American Championship

Coos Bay Yacht Club
Tenmile Lake - Lakeside, Oregon July 17th,18th,19th  Click here for details: 


It's that time again to renew your SJ21 class membership. 

You can do so online at sj21class.org

or by completing the attached form and mailing.SJ21 Renewal Form

2025 Performance Racing Seminar! Click HERE: Seminar Link
Michaela's VIDEO: 2024 Coos Bay Yacht Club
Western Nationals:2024 San Juan 21 Western Nationals :RESULTS

 Labor DAY Video 2024

 2024 Junior Sailing School Video! Click to View: Jr. Sailing School Video


All boat operators should make SURE their registration is current:

"Watercraft propelled by a motor and sailboats 12 feet or longer

must be titled and registered in Oregon" -- ORS 830.705(2)

Renew online:



Here are links to ALL the photos from the 2023 SJ 21 North Americans @ CBYC

You can download individual photos by clicking the 3 dots at the upper right corner of the photo and then selecting 'download':

SJ21 North American Championshps Photos

SJ21 North American Championshps Photos

SJ21 North American Championshps Photos

SJ21 North American Championshps Photos


Recreational use advisory for toxic cyanobacteria blooms:

People should avoid swimming and high-speed water activities, such as water skiing or power boating, in areas of the lake where blooms are, as the major route of exposure is ingestion of water. Toxins are not absorbed through the skin. However, those with skin sensitivities may get a puffy red rash. Boating is safe as long as speeds do not create excessive water spray. Sprays could lead to the risk of inhaling cyanotoxins.

Drinking water 

Drinking water directly from areas of the lake affected by a bloom is especially dangerous. Toxins cannot be removed by boiling, filtering or treating water with camping-style filters.

Children and pets 

Children and pets are at increased risk for exposure because of their size and level of activity. Dogs can get extremely ill and even die within minutes to hours of exposure to cyanotoxins by drinking the water, licking their fur, or eating the toxins from floating mats or dried crust along the shore. This is regardless of a recreational use health advisory in place. Be aware that dogs can become ill and die from water intoxication after drinking excessive amounts of water while swimming or fetching objects for long periods of time. Intoxication is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain function resulting from an imbalance of electrolytes in the body. Water intoxication and heat stroke can cause similar symptoms as exposure to cyanotoxins.


Exposure to cyanotoxins can be serious and cause a range of symptoms. Symptoms may be similar to food poisoning such as stomach cramping, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms may also be more serious, such as numbness, tingling, dizziness and shortness of breath. These symptoms may require medical attention. Dogs can experience weakness, difficulty walking, seizures, lethargy, loss of appetite and more. Pet owners should seek veterinary treatment as quickly as possible if their dog exhibits any of those symptoms.

Fish caught from areas where cyanobacteria blooms are present may pose unknown health risks, so OHA recommends not eating fish from those sites. Anyone who decides to eat the fish should remove its fat, skin and organs before cooking or freezing. Toxins are more likely to collect in these tissues. Fillets should also be rinsed clean water.

Coos Fire Protection Association (CFPA) regulations for CBYC 

Current fire conditions are posted as HIGH (YELLOW). 

CFPA fire regulations require compliance by CBYC for the following until conditions change to EXTREME:

The point fire ring is classified as a “warming fire” and a “hosted campsite”, meaning people live there. The fire must be personally tended in the vicinity at all times and contained within the fire ring. Fire fighting tools must be present, there are two adjacent shovels. Water and or fire extinguishers must be present. A fire hose and three 5 gal buckets of water are adjacent to the fence, two fire extinguishers are in the center room of the safety/ restroom shed. Only firewood may be burned; no brush or other materials may be burned. Fire volume must be reasonable small for a “warming” fire. Daily, nightly, at the conclusion of use the fire must be extinguished with water. The fire can not be left “not attended” overnight to burn out. 

No other fires at CBYC are permitted. The fire pit at the clubhouse is only permitted for club events, with only the Labor Day salmon cooking expected this season. 

When fire conditions are posted as EXTREME(RED) no fires are allowed at any location. Brush disposal fires may only resume after fall rains and weather permits.

The North American Championship San Juan 21 Races and Celebrations at Coos Bay Yacht Club held July 27-28-29, 2023 were a HUGE success! 

Thanks to Tom Kyle who did a great job registering, organizing, racing, BBQ ing, shucking corn, record keeping and more. There are a HOST of other members who did a great job to help make this a memorable event! We had guests from Canada, Washington, California, Oregon and Idaho! 

RACE RESULTS:                      ALL SAILS:                                     WORKING SAILS: 

1st                                             Christopher Lemke                         Tim Mills 

2nd                                             Marc Vander Schalie                       Chris Gedrose

3rd                                              Steve Blumer                                    Scott Randle 

4th                                              Greg Collins                                      Sean Randle 

5th                                              Christian Lamp                                  Brian Webb 

6th                                              Stephen Jensen                                 Craig Main